July ● August ● September 2020

The European Law Observatory on New Technologies-ELONTech ,  the IoT Council ad the New Generation Internet Forward-NGI Forward are happy to announce the launch of a series of online webinars about issues arising from the digital identity concept.

Following the first online-event was a Roundtable of experts and officials, that was co-organized on the 11th June 2020 with and hosted by STOA, the Scientific Committee of the European Parliament, these online discussions aim to the preparation of a report for broad European Policy actions.

The upcoming online Webinar will be held on Thursday 30 July 2020, at 4-5pm (CEST) and will explore the overview and the main challenges for EU and global community on the topic of the digital identity.

The July webinar will focus on emerging technologies that can support new notions of identity in an increasingly digital world. Four perspectives covering strategic critical positions will be presented: end-user acceptance, custodians for SSI and usability, innovative policy and stories from the trenches.


To join the discussion, please register here.

For the following online events on August and September, please visit the ELONTech website .

MODERATOR: Rob van Kranenburg, Founder of IoT Council and working in NGI Forward Strategy on Identity and Mantalena Kaili, Policy Advisor,Exec. Director and co-Founder of #ELONTech|


  1. Josh Crumb, Founder Abaxx.Tech & Abaxx.Exchange, co-creator of Mene, Goldmoney & Coffee Flour
  2. Lorna Goulden, Digital Transformation Lead, Initiator of Eindhoven IoT Meetup and The Things Network Community
  3. Joshua Ellul, Chairman of Malta Digital Innovation Authority and Director of Centre for DLTs, University of Malta